14 drinks & foods That make You Look 10 years Older

14 drinks & foods That make 

You Look 10 years Older

Here are some foods that make you look older than you are. You should know about it and improve your lifestyle.

When people consume more sugar than their cells can synthesize, the excess sugar molecules bind to proteins and start a process that can affect skin collagen (the protein that keeps skin supple and youthful). Sugar also damages teeth, causing tooth decay and discoloration.

2 .Alcohol
"When your liver is working well, toxins that could potentially affect your skin are naturally eliminated by your body. But if toxins accumulate in your liver and are not broken down properly, your skin can develop a number of problems such as acne, paleness and wrinkles," says Dr. Ostad. Alcohol is also bad for your sleep because it dehydrates you. "Inadequate sleep is associated with wrinkles, uneven pigmentation, and decreased skin elasticity."

3.Burnt meat
The black coals on grilled meat contain pro-inflammatory carbohydrates that could cause damage to your skin's collagen, Ostad explains. You don't necessarily have to avoid grilling, but in any case, you should scrape off the embers and clean the grill when you're done.

4.White wine

White wine can damage your enamel and stain your teeth. You should brush your teeth immediately after drinking white wine. If you brush acidic teeth, you encourage the erosion of your enamel. "After bathing in an acidic drink, you need to give your teeth time to remineralize.

5.Salty foods
Salty foods retain water and cause a "bloated" appearance. Seasoned with a small amount of salt is advisable, and reach for fresh foods rather than canned or pre-cooked foods.

6.Processed meat

Sausages, bacon, wieners, and so on. "Many of these meats contain sulfites and other preservatives that can cause inflammation in the skin and accelerate aging," says Ostad. They also tend to contain a lot of salt.

7.Trans fats
In addition to being harmful to the heart, trans fats also cause skin aging. "They promote inflammation," says Dr. stay. They can make your skin more vulnerable to UV rays. You should avoid products that list hydrogenated oil on the label.

8.Red meat
"Fatty meat creates free radicals," says Dr. stay. Free radicals are molecules with one electron instead of two, making them unstable and prone to grabbing electrons from other molecules, turning them into unstable cells, which in turn grab electrons from another cell, etc. Free radicals affect the skin's ability to protect itself and create collagen. Ostad recommends eating lean meats, such as turkey and chicken, and consuming plenty of antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables.

9.Spicy foods
According to Ostad, spicy food worsens rosacea (spots) and could cause damage during menopause, when the blood vessels in the skin are more reactive. You shouldn't necessarily avoid eating spices, but it's recommended not to eat them if you don't want to suffer from varicose veins, swelling, and redness.

10.energy drinks

They give you energy, but they affect the aging of your teeth. If you need an energy drink, make sure you sip it from a straw to minimize contact with your teeth.

"Caffeine is like any other diuretic; can cause fluid excretion and deplete the body of moisture," says Dr. Hirsch. "Anything that dehydrates can dehydrate your skin, making it look dull and aged."

Besides dehydrating your body because of the caffeine, coffee damages your teeth. "Acid drinks can create microscopic pores on the surface of the enamel, causing erosion over time," says McAndrew. To avoid eliminating this drink, which has many positive effects on human health, from your diet, it is enough to drink a glass of water after drinking coffee. "Water has a neutral pH that washes away the acid," says McAndrew.

13.Sugar lemon juice
According to experts, lemonade could damage the enamel of your teeth. Remember to take a sip of water after drinking lemonade, wait at least an hour before brushing your teeth, and last but not least, don't add sugar to lemon juice to avoid plaque.

14.Black tea

People who drink tea frequently may have discolored teeth due to the high tannin content. However, a study published in the Journal of Dental Hygiene reveals that the casein in milk reduces the risk of tooth stains, while the citric acid in lemons makes your enamel more porous and your teeth more susceptible to stains.

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