Angry behavior of children

Angry behavior of children

Often children aged one to three years (Toddlers) express intense anger over minor things, and their mood is also highlighted rather than in the mood. There is an unpleasant and emotional attitude, which is full of provocation. In fact, this attitude is not to be frustrated with children, not to achieve their desired goals, know something or to describe their feelings, not to be stored. There is a rage in the process, through which they try to understand or change the environment around them.

Children over the age of three may also suffer from this condition, as these children are currently not learned to express their emotions or discipline.

Anger is common in children aged one to three years, as in this age, they are setting the early stages of social and emotional development. Since they are unable to express their small desires and needs, therefore, Soon they become frustrated and this frustration causes anger.

In fact, anger for these children is just one of the ways to impress and learn their elders. For example, if the child cannot open a biscuit packet or be told that it is time for bedtime, but If you want to play right now, the reaction will be expressed in anger. Many children's chances of anger increase when they are tired, frightened or anxious.

If you mention the symptoms of tantrum, the children usually cry, scream, kick on the walls, hit the walls, doors. Even they kill parents and scream on them. These symptoms remain. Lives, when they are accepted or what they want, it should be given. This situation causes a lot of trouble for the parents. It is not at all that children are deliberately adopted, but they are unable to control their condition as they grow.

Psychologists have given several easy ways to protect the baby from tantrum.


Parents first have to examine what is the process, which encourages the child to anger. This process is called medical term Function of Assessment. 
During this diagnostic process it is examined as to what kind of trouble real -life conditions cause, what symptoms appear before, and after the tantrum in the baby, so that when the baby is suffering from tantrum again, this The situation should be controlled immediately. Crying is not harmful to the child's health, but if he suffers from tantrum mood, scolding or angry to silence it is more provocative, so avoid scolding, killing or getting angry.

In fact, this process can push the child towards ADHD, social enzyme or learning disorder. Sometimes children also scream to be introduced to their voice, so instead of stopping them, support them. Repeat the same movement. This process will have magical effect and the baby will start playing with you.

Children become hypertensive soon. New, especially enthusiasts, and they also expect their elders to show their equal enthusiasm.

For example, if the child is showing a toy, if a child or someone else is showing a toy, then the person should appreciate the toy, giving the child the color, features and use of the color, enthusiastically.

Complete the baby's opponent, do not make any promises that parents cannot fulfill. If the parents have forbidden the child from giving something and it is necessary to give it a thing after a while, then instead of giving yourself, someone else Tell the child to give it to the child, so that the child does not learn that weeping parents accept it.

As children take awareness, they learn new things, things from their environment, so help them in the process of conspiracy and appreciate when they learn something new.

Understand the mood and behavior of the baby. If you have time to sleep or eat, do not do anything else, but to fulfill the baby's need to eat, sleep or play, to fulfill. Never give a child a reward to eliminate the tantrum, as it will prove that "anger" is a effective weapon. If the child is in a state of anger, draw his attention to another. For example, what the child is crying is not suitable for him, then give something else or change his environment. -

Remember that young children's anger  is not a cause for concern.

Usually, as the child grows age, he learns to control himself and cooperate with parents and others, and he comes to fight frustration. Psychologist say, "The baby is no practice, Which parents should deal quickly. They are not a project, which can be completed in the best way, but they are a human being, who has their own individuality. ”Understand that and not only understand, but also act.


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