13 Signs of kidney disease

13 Signs of kidney disease

The kidneys are the main organ of the human body, more than fifty thousand people in the world suffer from various kidney diseases every year, which is one of the major causes of donors. Authentic figures are not available in Pakistan, but it is estimated that millions of people are suffering from various kidney diseases, while the number of such patients is increasing by 15 to 20 percent annually.

Experts say that most people ignore kidney diseases, but this is a disease that can prove to be fatal. According to medical experts, excessive use of water, smoking and obesity must be avoided to prevent kidney diseases. If the following signs come out, the doctor must be approached.

Trouble sleeping

When the kidneys are unable to perform their functions properly, the toxic material does not remove the urine from the body and remains in the blood, increasing the level of this material makes it difficult to sleep and the complaint of insomnia. Is. Similarly, kidney patients may have difficulty breathing during sleep, and if a person suddenly starts to take nausea, he should approach a doctor.

Muscles imbalances

Reducing kidney performance causes electrolyte imbalances, for example the decrease in calcium levels and phosphorus out of control causes the cell to stir.

Headache, fatigue and physical weakness

If kidneys are working properly, they work to make vitamin D in the body as well as making a hormone EPO, this hormone plays an important role in increasing red blood cells, if suffering from kidney problems If I am, the amount of EPOs decreases, which reduces the red blood cells that cause sudden fatigue, headache and physical weakness to the body and the brain. It should be noted that anemia is common in kidney diseases.

Heart beat problems

If the kidneys are damaged, the amount of potassium in the body begins to increase, which is exposed to the heartbeat palpitations.

Dry and itchy skin

Kidney works to clean the fluid collected in the body, increase the level of red blood cells and place the level of floor in the body at a reasonable level. Dry and itching skin is a sign that kidneys are not able to balance minerals and nutrients. If your skin is dry and itchy, you should drink as much water as possible and consult a doctor before taking any medicine for itching.


If a large amount of material is accumulated in the body, the heart or vomiting experience often begins, in fact the body is the result of trying to get rid of the materials accumulated, the desire to eat as a result of nausea begins. That is, if this happens for a while, body weight decreases very rapidly.

The smell and the taste in the breath

When the material begins to accumulate in the blood, the taste of the food feels changed and the metal or metallic taste is left in the mouth. Similarly, the smell of breath is also a sign of accumulating a lot of toxic material in the blood. In addition, the desire to eat or eat meat decreases or eliminates, resulting in an unexpected reduction in body weight. By the way, there are a number of reasons for changing the taste of the mouth and normal treatment relieves the problem, but if this treatment remains, you should consult your doctor.

Difficult to take breathe 

There is a relationship between kidney diseases and taking breath, especially after a little physical activity. There are two reasons, one is not working for the kidneys to accumulate excess fluid in the body, the other anemia causes oxygen deficiency in the body, resulting in breathing. If you have difficulty breathing after doing a little work, you should consult a doctor immediately as it can be a sign of asthma, lung cancer and heart failure.

Urine problems

Since kidneys are essential for urine, so when they suffer from an illness, most people want urine but do not come, while there are some people who begin to go beyond the usual washroom. Yes, many people force this problem to wake up at night.

Swelling of ankles, feet and hands

When the kidneys fail to remove excess fluid from the body, the gathering of salts causes swelling of ankles, feet and hands, the lower body's body is also a sign of problems with heart and liver diseases or leg arteries. - Many times the use of medicines reduces salt and excess fluid, which prevents swelling, but if it does not help, the doctor should advise a change in treatment.


Stopping kidney function or the Kidney Flyer causes a weakness that is usually felt under the rib on the right. This pain can also be felt in the hips. Pain in the waist and toe can be a sign of the accumulation of material in the kidneys. In the form of a Kidney Filer, the pain that has the pain, the nausea and the urine can also suffer.

High blood pressure

During the blood and kidneys depend on each other, the kidneys filter the garbage and excess fluid in the blood, and if the arteries are damaged, the parts of the kidney that filter the blood, they do not get oxygen and nutrition. This is the reason why hypertension is the second major cause of the risk of kidney failure.

Changes in urine color

Kidney is responsible for urinating and emitted the material through it. Changes such as increasing urine, especially at night, bleeding in the urine.


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