Benefits of Taraweeh Prayer in Ramadan

 Benefits of Taraweeh Prayer in Ramadan

Taraweeh means rest or relaxation, Taraweeh is a voluntary prayer that is a extraordinarily recommended sunnah, mosques around the areas maintain congregational Taraweeh prayers for women and men each night of Ramadan. Prayer that we performed after the evening prayer, Isha, during Ramadan. prayers for men and women on every night of Ramadan.

Many believe those who pray Taraweeh throughout Ramadan will be rewarded and Allah forgive their  their sins  

The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, “He who observes optional prayer (Tarawih prayers) throughout Ramadan, out of sincerity of Faith and in the hope of earning reward will have his past sins pardoned.” (Al- Bukhari and Muslim)

 Rakats are in Taraweeh

Taraweeh, like other voluntary prayers, is prayed in 2 rakats at a time with the ability to rest after every 4 rakats. Some narrations state that a complete Taraweeh is 8 rakats while others say it is 12 or 20. When attending Taraweeh at a masjid, the Imam will usually pray the full 20 rakats as all four schools of thought support these narrations.

 When is Taraweeh performed

The Taraweeh prayer is completed at night time any time after the compulsory Isha prayer however before the Witr prayer because the Witr prayer is the last prayer of the night..


Performing Taraweeh prayer has numerous benefits, as it nurtures all aspects of our self and body.


The long and peaceful prayer session allows us to reflect on our relationship with Allah (SWT). Within each action, we grow closer to our Creator. We gain a better appreciation of Him and seek more of His forgiveness and blessings.


Performing Taraweeh prayers regularly requires discipline and commitment. The lengthy prayer sessions encourage us to manage our time effectively. It urges us to prioritise our spiritual obligations while still fulfilling our daily responsibilities. It also develops greater self-discipline, which we can also use to other aspects of our lives, even beyond Ramadan.


Along with helping our spiritual and mental health, Taraweeh prayers also benefit our physical health. In a way, the prolonged prayer session helps us get more exercise. It works as a low-impact workout, as its actions help to improve our heart health, increase flexibility, and reduce stress levels.


The way we pray Taraweeh also strengthens our sense of unity and community. Many mosques and community centres offer communal Taraweeh prayers, where Muslims from all walks of life come together to pray and worship. It is time Muslims fast, share food, connect and engage in other acts of worship together.



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