Great Leader 'QUAID-E-AZAM'


A great leader, a fearless leader, an unparalleled leader, who supported the sinking ship of the Muslims of the subcontinent at that time. When she stood on the brink of destruction, she was mourning over her condition. The Muslims faced two enemies at the same time. The Mujahideen of Islam were head over heels in their endeavors while the Muslims were being enslaved from generation to generation. Islam and the Qur'an were being cut off from their veins. Allah Kareem took pity on these miserable Muslims and gave them selfless leaders like "Iqbal" and "Quaid". One fought with his pen and inspired Muslims for freedom and gave a message of self to the young Muslim generation. The other guided the Muslims in the practical field and brought them together on a single platform. Various movements were active in all parts of the subcontinent. Became active The message to the younger generation is:

"Don't let yourself become a toy in the hands of any political party, otherwise you will make a big mistake. You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people. ”

Muhammad Ali Jinnah was a staunch supporter of the Congress party and believed in a united national ideology. But when they saw that they did not want to give Muslims their basic rights. The British and the Hindus together wanted to push the Muslims towards degradation. The Quaid said that

"Think a hundred times before making any decision, but when you make a decision, stick to it."

This fearless leader decided to create a separate state for the Muslims and forced the two great powers of the world to kneel before him. This Mujahid of Shah Lolak stood firm on his decision. In this struggle, this great leader put all the comforts of his life behind him. His goal was to achieve a state in which all Muslims have the basic right to worship one God freely. All minorities have the full right to live as they wish. Erased all justifications of color, race, nation. He said that what is the use of saying that we are Sindhi, Balochi, Punjabi, Pathan. We are just Muslims. When this leader was asked what will be the style of government of Pakistan. So this great leader gave a faithful answer.

"Who am I to determine the style of government of Pakistan? Thirteen hundred years ago, the Qur'an clearly described the style of government of the Muslims. Praise be to Allah. The Qur'aan is there for our guidance and will remain there till the Day of Resurrection.

Iqbal said

تیرا جوہر ہے نوری پاک ہے تو
فروغ دیدہ ء افلاک ہے تو
تیرے صید زبوں فرشتہ و حور
کہ شاہین شہہ لولاک ہے تو

Jinnah's whole life has been a practical example of discipline. Miss Fatima Jinnah writes in her book "My Brother". Jinnah inaugurated the SBP during his illness. Attended on time. See some next seats are empty. Program started. Ordered empty seats to be removed. Complied with. Then the latecomers stood. Among those who stood up was the then Prime Minister Liaquat Ali Khan. Would be Mohsin, who raised a great country like Pakistan on the world map on August 14, 1947, was able to take over its command for only one year and one month.

Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah said that Kashmir is the lifeblood of Pakistan. In the situation we are facing today, the atrocities against Kashmiris have reached their climax. Pakistan is appealing to the international community for help for the Muslims of Kashmir.Today's Pakistan stands a long way from this strongest vision of the Quaid. The concept with which the leader spent his immense abilities. He established this state only for the sake of Muslims and Islam. He gave the message to Muslims that Muslims were not born to bow down. If an attempt is made to bend it, it will become Babar. He will appear like Tipu Sultan. He will die but will never accept subjugation. Today we need to consider whether we can follow the principles that Mohsin Pakistan taught us. Make the principles of faith, unity and organization a feature of your life? We must adopt these principles and renew our commitment to the survival of our country, our faith. Quaid's strong Pakistan must be protected from the iron grip of dictatorship. The sacrifice of this benefactor must be saved from being in vain. He said, "I have done my job. The nation has got what it needed. Now it is the job of the nation to build it." Therefore, every individual of the nation has to do his part. This country has to be protected.


A Blog and Content writer

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