What are the 5 senses of the body?


Our body is an invaluable gift of nature. Nature has kept secrets in it without knowing how it is. Useful information. After reading which you will say. Glory be to your power

A person has five main senses, representing the five tools that help him to discover the world around him, and these include the following senses: the sense of touch, the sense of taste, the sense of hearing. Includes sense, sense of smell, and sense of sight. Let us know a little bit about each sense.

Sense of sight:

Sense of sight is the sense that helps vision. Where the eye acts on light and transmits it to the brain, which interprets it, and the light passes through the cornea of ​​the eye. Which plays a role in regulating the volume of light entering the eye, and the colored part of the eye is called the iris, and the focus of light in the eye depends on a part of it called the retina, which Helps to convert light into eye. The nerve, and it leads to its transmission to the brain, which is interested in its interpretation.

The human eye is characterized by the ability to see in dim light at 910 degrees. The human eye sends its data to the brain through 10 billion nerve networks, all of which form a special processor of eye data.

The sense of hearing:

Every person has ears on both sides of the head and the components of the ear are connected to the skull and the human ear has three main parts:

Outer ear

It consists of two sections, the paana and the auditory canal, which represent the opening of the ear which man sees with his own eyes. This is the way of the eardrum. Hair covers the outer skin of the ear and its inner glands. Emits a yellowish substance called resin-type earwax. This gives the drum the necessary protection from the dirt trapped in it.

Middle ear

Includes hearing ability. Who communicate with each other.

Inner ear

It has a shell-like shell. The process of hearing in the human body depends on the role of the ear in transmitting and transmitting nerve signals to the brain. The ear helps the body maintain balance, and move properly.

Sense of Smell

There is a sense of separating the odors circulating in the air where the human brain separates a large number of odors and the process of sniffing is done by inserting objects directly into the nose. Or through the mouth and then through the nose.Signals reach the brain to translate information to the outside world on the one hand, and to the process of sniffing.

Sense of Taste

There is a feeling that depends on the proliferation of a group of cells on the human tongue. Are In the foreground are the cells responsible for tasting the sweet food, and below are the cells specializing in the bitter food, and on both sides are the cells specializing in determining the salty and sour food.

Sense of Touch

It is a feeling that depends primarily on the human skin and this feeling helps a person to know the nature of things when he touches them. Which supports its ability to recognize them, so it can determine the extent of their hardness, and can feel the heat as a result of cold or hot, cold things, so the skin It is considered to be the first organ of the human body which affects everyone.

The cells responsible for the sense of touch are spread throughout the human skin. It not only accumulates in one place on the skin, but also distributes irregularly over the surface areas of the skin, and the more neurons there are in a region, the greater the sense of human contact. The front part of the tongue is considered to be the most touching part of the body while the weakest part of the body is felt to be touched. Touch is the back of the palm of the hand and the tip of the nose and the tips of the fingers. There are very sensitive parts of communication.


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